Leixlip Biodiversity
Action Plan 2022-26

This action plan was produced as part of the Community Foundation Ireland
funded project where towns and villages across Ireland were encouraged to
work with an ecologist to compile a Biodiversity Action Plan for their local area.
Getting Involved:
Like all TidyTowns groups, Leixlip Tidy Town Association is completely voluntary so we’re always happy to welcome more help! As this Biodiversity Action Plan shows there’s plenty of different kinds of projects worth getting involved in whether that be the weekly litter pick or maybe just working on one particular project that interests you. If you wish to get involved with any of the actions outlined in this plan, please contact us.
To view the plan you have a choice of two formats. Choose and click a button below to view the plan either as html (with some quality loss) directly in your browser, or as the original full quality PDF which will download if you view on a phone.